
Could you have parasites? Unraveling the Intricacies of Parasites

January 10, 2024

In the intricate symphony of the human body, parasites often play a disruptive role that goes underestimated. As a dedicated functional medicine doctor, addressing parasitic infections is a recurring conversation with my patients. Let's delve into the details of how these microscopic invaders infiltrate our bodies, the symptoms they trigger, and effective strategies for treatment and prevention.  

How Parasites Invade Our Body  

Parasites enter our bodies discreetly through everyday practices such as consuming raw or undercooked foods, contact with infected pets, exposure to contaminated water, soil and touching surfaces carrying microscopic parasites. Recognizing these entry points empowers us to make informed choices and minimize the risk of parasitic infections.  

  • Contaminated Food and Water: Raw or undercooked foods, contaminated fruits, and vegetables, and unsafe water are common culprits.
  • Pets: Close contact with infected pets, particularly through fecal matter, can transmit parasites.
  • Soil: Parasites present in soil can easily transfer to hands and, consequently, into the body.  
  • Touching Contaminated Surfaces: Everyday surfaces can harbor parasites, emphasizing the importance of regular handwashing.  

Recognizing the Symptoms  

Parasitic infections can manifest in various symptoms affecting everyday life. Recognizable signs include:  

  • Gastrointestinal distress: Persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, and gas.  
  • Unexplained weight loss: Parasites interfere with nutrient absorption, leading to weight loss.  
  • Anxiety and mood swings: Some parasites can influence neurotransmitter levels, affecting mood.  
  • Teeth grinding: Bruxism may be linked to parasitic infections, impacting dental health.  
  • Chronic fatigue: Parasites can drain the body's energy, causing persistent tiredness.  
  • Pruritus ani (itchy anus): Certain parasites cause irritation and itching in the anal region.  

Diagnostic Approaches  

Accurate diagnosis is crucial for targeted treatment. Functional medicine practitioners employ various diagnostic tools, including comprehensive stool tests, blood tests, and imaging studies to identify the specific parasite and assess the extent of the infection.  

Treatment Strategies  

Addressing parasitic infections requires a comprehensive approach, including:  

  • Antiparasitic medications: Tailored prescriptions based on the specific parasite identified.  
  • Nutritional support: Rebuilding nutrient levels and supporting the immune system is vital.  
  • Gut restoration: Probiotics, detoxes and dietary changes promote a healthy gut environment.  

Individualized treatment plans are essential, considering the patient's overall health and the type of parasite involved.

Preventing Parasites  

Preventing parasitic infections involves adopting proactive measures:  

  • Hygiene practices: Regular handwashing, proper food handling and sanitation are crucial.  
  • Safe food and water: Ensure that food is thoroughly cooked, and water is safe for consumption.
  • Pet hygiene: Regular veterinary check-ups and maintaining cleanliness reduce the risk.  
  • Travel precautions: Exercise caution in regions with a high prevalence of parasitic infections.

Creepy, but Interesting Facts

  • Most of us unwittingly harbor parasites, yet they may not cause infection or symptoms in everyone.  
  • Caution for sushi lovers: think twice when indulging in raw or undercooked fish.
  • Your stomach acid serves as the first line of defense against parasitic invaders.  
  • Even the most advanced stool tests can't detect all parasites; their self-dissolving mechanism can make them virtually undetectable, and the standard O&P test is notoriously unreliable.  
  • Parasites are not confined to the gut; they can invade various organs, including the intestines, liver, lungs, and even the brain.  
  • Approximately 90% of Americans may be hosts to parasites, highlighting the importance of awareness and preventive measures.1  
  • Parasites employ clever tactics, such as using heavy metals to hide from the immune system.  
  • Humans host over 300 species of parasites, showcasing the remarkable diversity of these microscopic invaders.2  
  • Parasites exhibit circadian rhythms, with some being more active at night.  
  • Some parasites can manipulate host behavior, influencing everything from feeding patterns to risk-taking behavior.  
  • Parasites feed off a variety of foods, including red blood cells, nutrients in the intestines, and even tissue in severe cases.  
  • Intriguingly, some studies suggest that the activity of parasites may be influenced by the phases of the moon, with increased activity during a full moon.

Parasite Detoxification  

Are parasites silently affecting your well-being? They thrive on sugar and unhealthy carbs, so it's crucial to be mindful of your diet. Consider incorporating parasite-deterring foods into your routine, such as:  

  • Cloves  
  • Garlic  
  • Pumpkin Seeds  
  • Papaya  
  • Ginger  
  • Cayenne  
  • Black Walnut  
  • Wormwood  
  • Turmeric  
  • Cucumber Seeds  
  • Olive Oil  
  • Coconut Oil  
  • Apple Cider Vinegar  
  • Cinnamon  
  • Neem
  • Black Pepper

NOTE: Before starting any parasite cleanse, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it's done correctly and safely. For those seeking an effective detox solution, I recommend CellCore, available through our site.  

Act quickly, as the next full moon on Jan 25th is when parasites are most active. Take proactive steps towards a healthier you!  

Arming Ourselves with Knowledge  

Educating ourselves on prevention, early detection and personalized treatment strategies is paramount. By staying informed and adopting healthy practices, we can effectively address parasitic infections and optimize overall health.  

Empower yourself to live a parasitic-free life. Contact Dr. Gandhi today for personalized functional medicine solutions: 561.247.3311.  



About Dr. Kunal P. Gandhi

Dr. Gandhi, a board-certified family medicine expert and distinguished functional medicine practitioner, is committed to uncovering the root causes of illnesses. With a comprehensive, root-cause-centered approach, she addresses not just symptoms but foundational imbalances. Drawing from a wealth of knowledge, Dr. Gandhi employs cutting-edge laboratory testing for personalized care, offering specialized detoxification programs, addressing concerns like intestinal dysbiosis, Lyme disease and more.